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Friday, July 18, 2014

Sometimes Vacation is the Shits

Oh there is no doubt I will be bawling like a baby this afternoon {I'm already getting teary-eyed at 6:30am}. We will be dropping Brea off for 20 days at Puppy Boot Camp. 


I am going to miss this little girl so much, granted we will be on vacation and enjoying new sights and keeping very busy - I know I'll think of her every day.

Pretty sure she knows we are leaving and is already getting stressed about it. This morning she pooped in her kennel for the first time ever and it would have been 'not so bad' if it was solid. Needless to say Steven had to power wash some items this morning and I was busy cleaning up poop instead of packing last minute necessities. 

I can't be mad at her though because I won't see her for 20 days and I want to get as much loving and kisses in as possible. She will be 15 weeks old on Sunday and weighs about 35 pounds; I can't imagine how huge she will be when we get home.

So I hope I got all the poop cleaned up in the house and we don't find any stinky surprises when we return. Along with me, the blog will be taking a little vacation too, unless I decided to post while overseas but I have a feeling I will be too busy being a Norwegian!! 

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  1. Awwwww poor puppy! They can really sense things. Dogs are smart. Where are you headed to? She'll be huge when you get home!
    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. Katie @ A Beautiful Little AdvJuly 18, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    Awe poor baby. I HATE leaving maggie when we go away on vacation - but at least it makes coming home easier! I hope you have a fantastic trip.

  3. Aww, that's a long time. My Lucy used to always whine when I packed my suitcase.

  4. Dogs are smart,I like this dog,

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  5. Awe, poor doggie!! Ours used to since whenever we were getting ready to leave, too.
