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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Life Lately {Cow Poop Edition}

Yesterday I took a mental health day, well actually it was maybe more of a physical health day. Let's just say, I felt like crap and couldn't concentrate because of it so I went home. 

I had a chiropractor appointment and she worked wonders and told me the reason I wasn't feeling too hot was because of my back and neck being out, crazy how everything in your body works together isn't it?!

I came home and took a 20 min 2 hour nap and woke up feeling pretty good. Went for a walk with the dog, cleaned the kitchen, bed sheets, entry way ... Maybe I should have a day off every week for all the things I got done around the house!!

Speaking of the house, it smells like cow poop. Now this is normal because we have a feed lot in our backyard and Spring means thawing of all that was frozen turning into a muddy smelly mess. I open the windows to get a fresh breeze but instead get what some people like to call 'the smell of money' - too bad it stinks!! 

As much as I love our beef cattle they do nothing for the ambiance of our home, I had to get some new candles the other day to get rid of the feed lot stench.

These candles do wonders in the house {are husband approved} and the Honeysuckle one is my favorite!!

Now, the husband won't be smelling much of these candles because he is hardly home. I have officially become a farm widow again and spring planting is underway! Follow along on Instagram with hashtag #DoubleRPlant14 Also if anyone has good cold lunch recipes let me know, I don't think it will be long before the husband is sick of sandwiches.

Well, that is all the randomness I have for you this Wednesday don't forget to check out #CheersNotJeers today!!

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