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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Packing Tips Welcome

You know those days where you think you will be really productive …
And then …
You Fail by sitting on the couch all day! 

Yep this has been my day. {I blame my horrible menstrual cramps - remedies welcome}

I have been editing photos.

Crochet, Winter, LB Photography, Laughter
My lovely sister : Crafter at Erika Joy Design

North Dakota, Black Angus, farm, cattle

Angus, Farm, Cattle

Adding to my 30 before 30 list. {almost done 5 left}

Anticipating March when we can bring our pup home.
GSD, puppy

Reading blogs. Catching up on responding to my own blog comments, and putting off cleaning and packing. 

Did I mention we have to be out of our apartment in 20 days?! HELP!! Any tips on packing for a move would be greatly appreciated!! 

Where are we going you ask?! Well Back on 9.8.12 {yep our wedding} we stayed in our apartment for the first time ever. You see since August of 2010 we had been living with my husband's dad at the farm house. {The farm and apartment are only 10 miles from each other} And at one point this living arrangement included living with ALL of my inlaws {father, his girlfriend (on the weekends), sister 1 and her husband and our nieces (2), and sister 2, and sister 3} Did you get all that?! 10 people under one roof, very female dominated with 2 bathrooms. Thinking back on it I really don't remember there being that many people but I'm fairly certain I couldn't do it {sanely} again!! I Love my family but this just sounds like chaos!! 

So as of today 2.8.14, we have been living here for 518 days, exactly 1 year and 5 months. Now it is time to pack because my Father-in-law and Wife {before mentioned girlfriend - aka Mother Teresa} are moving to 6911. Yep their new house is in the final final stages of being built and we get to move back to the farm house. 

North Dakota, Farm Life, Winter

I am SUPER excited to move out of town and live on the farm again but am DREADING packing so I really need those packing tips! My current solution is drinking ALL the wine on my wine rack instead of packing it then just pack the rest of the place after that, but I have a feeling that isn't practical and I'd misplace tons of our things! 

Hope you all are having a Wonderful Weekend!!

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